Packaging Machinery

Cleaning & Sterilizing

Bauer Gear Motor



The Bauer AsepticDRIVE is a combination of an asynchronous motor with a smooth surface (without cooling ribs and fan) and a gearbox from the renowned Bauer 2000 range.

Application Criteria

Special requirements regarding hygiene and cleaning are necessary in the production areas of the food and beverage industry. This is due to the sensitivity of the products and their perishable nature. For this reason, most equipment and production machines are made of stainless steel, permitting thorough cleaning once production has ended. Stainless steel also allows the use of acid or alkali-based cleaning agents which, in combination with disinfectants, ensure that all relevant germs and bacteria are destroyed.

With gear motors, which are generally mounted directly onto the machines, it has not been possible to fulfill these requirements in the past. The reasons for this are the design of the housing structures, the ribs of the motors and the fans used for cooling causing dirt to gather in areas which are almost impossible to reach or where the cleaning solutions cannot drain off causing so called “dirt traps”.

The Bauer 2000 series of aseptic geared motors succeeds in meeting these requirements, at least with regard to the housing, as their basic structure is already as smooth and beveled as possible. This makes cleaning easy and allows liquid residues to drain off completely.

Product range:

  • Power rating 0,37 -2,2 kW

Combines with:

  • BG Helical gears
  • BF Shaft mount gears
  • BK Bevel gears
      • Easy-to-clean design allowing cleaning agents to drain off completely
      • Dirt traps are avoided
      • Re-infection avoided around the motor because the fan-free design means no air turbulence occurs
      • High degree of protection (IP 67 and IP69K) as standard, with Aseptic acid and alkali resistant paint (pH2 - pH12)
      • Motor windings equipped as standard with thermistors and class F insulation
      • Suitable for frequency inverter duty
      • CCC certified
      • Options
      • Paint finish according to RAL tables
      • Optional pre-fabricated 6 wire cable
      Bauer Gear Motor GmbH
      Eberhard-Bauer-Str. 37
      73734 Esslingen - Germany
      Phone:+49 (711) 3518-0